class MemberDescriptor
Public Functions
virtual ObjectName &name() = 0
Returns the name of this member.
- Returns:
Member’s name.
virtual const ObjectName &name() const = 0
Returns the name of this member.
- Returns:
Member’s name.
virtual void name(const ObjectName &name) = 0
Modifies the underlying member’s name by copy.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Member’s name.
virtual void name(ObjectName &&name) = 0
Modifies the underlying member’s name by move.
- Parameters:
name – [in] Member’s name.
virtual MemberId id() const = 0
Returns the MemberId of the member.
- Returns:
virtual MemberId &id() = 0
Returns the MemberId of the member.
- Returns:
virtual void id(MemberId id) = 0
Modifies the underlying MemberId.
- Parameters:
id – [in] MemberId to be set.
virtual traits<DynamicType>::ref_type type() const = 0
Returns a reference to the member’s type.
- Returns:
DynamicType reference.
virtual traits<DynamicType>::ref_type &type() = 0
Returns a reference to the member’s type.
- Returns:
DynamicType reference.
virtual void type(traits<DynamicType>::ref_type type) = 0
Modifies the underlying member’s type reference.
- Parameters:
type – [in] DynamicType reference.
virtual std::string &default_value() = 0
Returns the default value.
- Returns:
Default value.
virtual const std::string &default_value() const = 0
Returns the default value.
- Returns:
Default value.
virtual void default_value(const std::string &default_value) = 0
Modifies the underlying default value by copy.
- Parameters:
default_value – [in] Default value.
virtual void default_value(std::string &&default_value) = 0
Modifies the underlying default value by move.
- Parameters:
default_value – [in] Default value.
virtual uint32_t &index() = 0
Returns the order of definition of the member.
- Returns:
Order of definition.
virtual uint32_t index() const = 0
Returns the order of definition of the member.
- Returns:
Order of definition.
virtual const UnionCaseLabelSeq &label() const = 0
Returns the labels the member belongs to.
- Returns:
virtual UnionCaseLabelSeq &label() = 0
Returns the labels the member belongs to.
- Returns:
virtual void label(const UnionCaseLabelSeq &label) = 0
Modifies the labels the member belongs to by copy.
- Parameters:
label – [in] UnionCaseLabelSeq
virtual void label(UnionCaseLabelSeq &&label) = 0
Modifies the labels the member belongs to by move.
- Parameters:
label – [in] UnionCaseLabelSeq
virtual TryConstructKind try_construct_kind() const = 0
Returns the TryConstructKind of the member.
- Returns:
virtual TryConstructKind &try_construct_kind() = 0
Returns the TryConstructKind of the member.
- Returns:
virtual void try_construct_kind(TryConstructKind try_construct_kind) = 0
Modifies the TryConstructKind of the member.
- Parameters:
try_construct_kind – [in] TryConstructKind.
virtual bool is_key() const = 0
Returns the if the member is key.
- Returns:
If the member is key.
virtual bool &is_key() = 0
Returns the if the member is key.
- Returns:
If the member is key.
virtual void is_key(bool is_key) = 0
Modifies if the member is key.
- Parameters:
is_key – [in] Boolean
virtual bool is_optional() const = 0
Returns the if the member is optional.
- Returns:
If the member is optional.
virtual bool &is_optional() = 0
Returns the if the member is optional.
- Returns:
If the member is optional.
virtual void is_optional(bool is_optional) = 0
Modifies if the member is optional.
- Parameters:
is_optional – [in] Boolean
virtual bool is_must_understand() const = 0
Returns the if the member is must_understand.
- Returns:
If the member is must_understand.
virtual bool &is_must_understand() = 0
Returns the if the member is must_understand.
- Returns:
If the member is must_understand.
virtual void is_must_understand(bool is_must_understand) = 0
Modifies if the member is must_understand.
- Parameters:
is_must_understand – [in] Boolean
Returns the if the member is shared.
- Returns:
If the member is shared.
Returns the if the member is shared.
- Returns:
If the member is shared.
Modifies if the member is shared.
- Parameters:
is_shared – [in] Boolean
virtual bool is_default_label() const = 0
Returns the if the member is default_label.
- Returns:
If the member is default_label.
virtual bool &is_default_label() = 0
Returns the if the member is default_label.
- Returns:
If the member is default_label.
virtual void is_default_label(bool is_default_label) = 0
Modifies if the member is default_label.
- Parameters:
is_default_label – [in] Boolean
virtual ReturnCode_t copy_from(traits<MemberDescriptor>::ref_type descriptor) = 0
Overwrites the contents of this descriptor with those of another descriptor (see [standard]
- Parameters:
descriptor – [in] reference.
- Return values:
RETCODE_OK – when the copy was successful.
RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER – when descriptor reference is nil.
- Returns:
virtual bool equals(traits<MemberDescriptor>::ref_type descriptor) = 0
Compares according with the [standard] section
- Parameters:
descriptor – [in] reference to compare to.
- Returns:
on equality
virtual bool is_consistent() = 0
Indicates whether the states of all of this descriptor’s properties are consistent according with the [standard] section
- Returns:
if consistent.
virtual ObjectName &name() = 0