
ReturnCode_t eprosima::fastdds::dds::idl_serialize(const DynamicType::_ref_type &dynamic_type, std::ostream &output) noexcept

Serializes a DynamicType into its IDL representation.

  • dynamic_type[in] The DynamicType to serialize.

  • output[inout] std::ostream reference containing the IDL representation.

Return values:

RETCODE_OK – when serialization fully succeeds, and inner (member serialization) failing code otherwise.

ReturnCode_t eprosima::fastdds::dds::json_serialize(const DynamicData::_ref_type &data, DynamicDataJsonFormat format, std::ostream &output) noexcept

Serializes a DynamicData into a JSON object, which is then dumped into an std::ostream.

  • data[in] DynamicData reference to be serialized.

  • format[in] DynamicDataJsonFormat JSON serialization format.

  • output[inout] std::ostream reference where the JSON object is dumped.

Return values:

RETCODE_OK – when serialization fully succeeds, and inner (member serialization) failing code otherwise.