6. QNX 7.1 installation from sources

The instructions for installing Fast DDS library and running examples and tests on QNX 7.1 are provided in this page. It is organized as follows:

6.1. Fast DDS library installation

This section provides the instructions for installing eProsima Fast DDS for QNX 7.1 in a Ubuntu environment from sources. The following packages will be installed:

  • foonathan_memory_vendor, an STL compatible C++ memory allocator library.

  • fastcdr, a C++ library that serializes according to the standard CDR serialization mechanism.

  • fastrtps, the core library of eProsima Fast DDS library.

The Requirements detailed below needs to be met first.

6.1.1. Requirements

Users must be in a Ubuntu environment to cross-compile for QNX 7.1. It is recommended that users use Ubuntu 20.04. The installation of eProsima Fast DDS in a Ubuntu environment from sources requires the following tools to be installed in the system: QNX SDP 7.1

QNX SDP 7.1 is required to be installed in the user’s Ubuntu environment. QNX SDP is QNX’s Software Development Platform which contains tools and files which are needed to cross-compile for QNX.

QNX SDP Installation Guide

For the purpose of these instructions, QNX SDP 7.1 is assumed to be installed at ~/qnx710. If this is not the case, please adjust the paths accordingly. CMake, pip3, git, dos2unix, and automake

These packages provide the tools required to install eProsima Fast DDS and its dependencies from command line.

sudo apt install cmake python3-pip git dos2unix automake

6.1.2. Build and Installation

  1. Open a terminal and clone eProsima Fast DDS:

    git clone https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS.git && cd Fast-DDS
  2. Initialize git submodules for Asio, Fast-CDR and TinyXML2 and apply QNX patches to them:


    OpenSSL is already installed in the QNX SDP 7.1.

    # Initialize git submodules
    git submodule update --init $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/asio/ $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/fastcdr $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/tinyxml2/
    # Apply QNX patch to Asio.
    cd $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/asio
    git apply $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/qnx_patches/asio_qnx.patch
    # Apply QNX patch to Fast-CDR.
    cd $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/fastcdr
    git apply $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/qnx_patches/fastcdr_qnx.patch
    # Apply QNX patch to TinyXML2.
    # TinyXML2's CMakeLists.txt has CRLF, so use unix2dos to convert the patch to CRLF.
    cd $WORKSPACE/thirdparty/tinyxml2
    unix2dos $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/qnx_patches/tinyxml2_qnx.patch
    git apply $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/qnx_patches/tinyxml2_qnx.patch
  3. Get foonathan_memory_vendor:

    git clone https://github.com/eProsima/foonathan_memory_vendor.git
  4. Optional: clone GoogleTest and apply QNX patch to it:


    GoogleTest is required for building Fast-DDS tests.

    git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git && cd googletest
    git checkout v1.13.0
    git apply $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/qnx_patches/googletest_qnx.patch
  5. Source the QNX environment script:

    source ~/qnx710/qnxsdp-env.sh
  6. Build and install Fast-DDS and its dependencies:


    To build examples, set COMPILE_EXAMPLES to ON in $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/common.mk.
    To build tests, set EPROSIMA_BUILD_TESTS to ON in $WORKSPACE/build_qnx/common.mk.


    All libraries will be installed to $(QNX_TARGET)/$(CPUVARDIR)/usr/lib.
    All examples will be installed to $(QNX_TARGET)/$(CPUVARDIR)/usr/examples.
    All tests will be installed to $(QNX_TARGET)/$(CPUVARDIR)/usr/bin/Fast-DDS_test.
    QNX_TARGET is where the QNX SDP 7.1 installation’s target folder is.
    If QNX SDP 7.1 is installed at ~/qnx710, the QNX_TARGET will be at ~/qnx710/target/qnx7.
    CPUVARDIR is a directory for a specific target architecture e.g. aarch64le and x86_64.
    For example, libraries compiled for an aarch64 target will be at ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib assuming QNX SDP 7.1 is installed at ~/qnx710.
    cd $WORKSPACE/build_qnx
    make install -j 4

6.2. Run Examples and Tests on a QNX 7.1 Target

Because examples and tests are compiled for QNX, they can only be run on a QNX target, not Ubuntu.

6.2.1. Move Libraries, Examples, and Tests to the QNX Target

  1. Move the built libraries to the QNX target:

    The following steps assume that $(QNX_TARGET) is ~/qnx710/target/qnx7 and that $(CPUVARDIR) is aarch64le. Adjust the values if this is not the case.

    # Move Fast-CDR library to the QNX target
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libfastcdr.so* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
    # Move Fast-DDS library to the QNX target
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libfastrtps.so* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
    # Move Foonathan Memory library to the QNX target
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libfoonathan_memory* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
    # Move TinyXML2 library to the QNX target
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libtinyxml2.so* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
    # Move GoogleTest library to the QNX target
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libgtest* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
    scp ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/lib/libgmock* root@<target-ip-address>:/usr/lib
  2. Move examples and tests to the QNX target:

    # Move Fast-CDR library to the QNX target
    scp -r ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/examples root@<target-ip-address>:/var
    # Move Fast-DDS library to the QNX target
    scp -r ~/qnx710/target/qnx7/aarch64le/usr/bin/Fast-DDS_test root@<target-ip-address>:/var

6.2.2. Run DDSHelloWorldExample

  1. Open a terminal and run a subscriber:

    # ssh into the QNX target
    ssh root@<target-ip-address>
    # Run a subscriber
    /var/examples/cpp/dds/HelloWorldExample/bin/DDSHelloWorldExample subscriber
  2. Open another terminal and run a publisher:

    # ssh into the QNX target
    ssh root@<target-ip-address>
    # Run a publisher
    /var/examples/cpp/dds/HelloWorldExample/bin/DDSHelloWorldExample publisher

The following output will be shown in the subscriber terminal:

Subscriber running. Please press enter to stop the Subscriber
Subscriber matched.
Message HelloWorld 1 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 2 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 3 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 4 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 5 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 6 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 7 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 8 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 9 RECEIVED
Message HelloWorld 10 RECEIVED
Subscriber unmatched.

The following output will be shown for the publisher:

Publisher running 10 samples.
Publisher matched.
Message: HelloWorld with index: 1 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 2 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 3 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 4 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 5 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 6 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 7 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 8 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 9 SENT
Message: HelloWorld with index: 10 SENT

6.2.3. Run a Test

Because test binaries compiled for QNX cannot be run on Ubuntu, test binaries must be run on a target which is running QNX.

# ssh into the QNX target
ssh root@<target-ip-address>

# Run a test
cd /var/Fast-DDS_test/unittest/dds/core/entity

The following test output for EntityTests will be shown:

[==========] Running 5 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 5 tests from EntityTests
[ RUN      ] EntityTests.entity_constructor
[       OK ] EntityTests.entity_constructor (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EntityTests.entity_enable
[       OK ] EntityTests.entity_enable (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EntityTests.entity_get_instance_handle
[       OK ] EntityTests.entity_get_instance_handle (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EntityTests.entity_equal_operator
[       OK ] EntityTests.entity_equal_operator (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] EntityTests.get_statuscondition
[       OK ] EntityTests.get_statuscondition (0 ms)
[----------] 5 tests from EntityTests (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 5 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 5 tests.