class TransportConfigQos : public eprosima::fastdds::dds::QosPolicy
Qos Policy to configure the transport layer.
Public Functions
inline TransportConfigQos()
virtual ~TransportConfigQos() = default
Public Members
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fastdds::rtps::TransportDescriptorInterface>> user_transports
User defined transports to use alongside or in place of builtins.
bool use_builtin_transports
Set as false to disable the default UDPv4 implementation.
By default, true.
uint32_t send_socket_buffer_size
Send socket buffer size for the send resource.
Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size.
By default, 0.
uint32_t listen_socket_buffer_size
Listen socket buffer for all listen resources.
Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size.
By default, 0.
rtps::ThreadSettings builtin_transports_reception_threads_
Thread settings for the builtin transports reception threads.
uint32_t max_msg_size_no_frag
Maximum message size used to avoid fragmentation, set ONLY in LARGE_DATA.
If this value is not zero, the network factory will allow the initialization of UDP transports with maxMessageSize higher than 65500K.
fastdds::rtps::NetmaskFilterKind netmask_filter
Netmask filter configuration.
inline TransportConfigQos()