class DomainParticipantQos
Class DomainParticipantQos, contains all the possible Qos that can be set for a determined participant. Please consult each of them to check for implementation details and default values.
Subclassed by eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantExtendedQos
Public Types
using FlowControllerDescriptorList = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fastdds::rtps::FlowControllerDescriptor>>
User defined flow controllers to use alongside.
- Since
Public Functions
inline DomainParticipantQos()
inline virtual ~DomainParticipantQos()
inline const UserDataQosPolicy &user_data() const
Getter for UserDataQosPolicy
- Returns:
UserDataQosPolicy reference
inline UserDataQosPolicy &user_data()
Getter for UserDataQosPolicy
- Returns:
UserDataQosPolicy reference
inline void user_data(const UserDataQosPolicy &value)
Setter for UserDataQosPolicy
- Parameters:
value – UserDataQosPolicy
inline const EntityFactoryQosPolicy &entity_factory() const
Getter for EntityFactoryQosPolicy
- Returns:
EntityFactoryQosPolicy reference
inline EntityFactoryQosPolicy &entity_factory()
Getter for EntityFactoryQosPolicy
- Returns:
EntityFactoryQosPolicy reference
inline void entity_factory(const EntityFactoryQosPolicy &value)
Setter for EntityFactoryQosPolicy
- Parameters:
value – EntityFactoryQosPolicy
inline const ParticipantResourceLimitsQos &allocation() const
Getter for ParticipantResourceLimitsQos
- Returns:
ParticipantResourceLimitsQos reference
inline ParticipantResourceLimitsQos &allocation()
Getter for ParticipantResourceLimitsQos
- Returns:
ParticipantResourceLimitsQos reference
inline void allocation(const ParticipantResourceLimitsQos &allocation)
Setter for ParticipantResourceLimitsQos
- Parameters:
allocation – ParticipantResourceLimitsQos
inline const PropertyPolicyQos &properties() const
Getter for PropertyPolicyQos
- Returns:
PropertyPolicyQos reference
inline PropertyPolicyQos &properties()
Getter for PropertyPolicyQos
- Returns:
PropertyPolicyQos reference
inline void properties(const PropertyPolicyQos &properties)
Setter for PropertyPolicyQos
- Parameters:
properties – PropertyPolicyQos
inline const WireProtocolConfigQos &wire_protocol() const
Getter for WireProtocolConfigQos
- Returns:
WireProtocolConfigQos reference
inline WireProtocolConfigQos &wire_protocol()
Getter for WireProtocolConfigQos
- Returns:
WireProtocolConfigQos reference
inline void wire_protocol(const WireProtocolConfigQos &wire_protocol)
Setter for WireProtocolConfigQos
- Parameters:
wire_protocol – WireProtocolConfigQos
inline const TransportConfigQos &transport() const
Getter for TransportConfigQos
- Returns:
TransportConfigQos reference
inline TransportConfigQos &transport()
Getter for TransportConfigQos
- Returns:
TransportConfigQos reference
inline void transport(const TransportConfigQos &transport)
Setter for TransportConfigQos
- Parameters:
transport – TransportConfigQos
inline const fastcdr::string_255 &name() const
Getter for the Participant name
- Returns:
inline fastcdr::string_255 &name()
Getter for the Participant name
- Returns:
inline void name(const fastcdr::string_255 &value)
Setter for the Participant name
- Parameters:
value – New name to be set
inline FlowControllerDescriptorList &flow_controllers()
Getter for FlowControllerDescriptorList
- Returns:
FlowControllerDescriptorList reference
bool compare_flow_controllers(const DomainParticipantQos &qos) const
Compares the flow controllers of two DomainParticipantQos element-wise.
- Parameters:
qos – The DomainParticipantQos to compare with.
- Returns:
true if the flow controllers are the same, false otherwise.
inline const FlowControllerDescriptorList &flow_controllers() const
Getter for FlowControllerDescriptorList
- Returns:
FlowControllerDescriptorList reference
inline rtps::ThreadSettings &builtin_controllers_sender_thread()
Getter for builtin flow controllers sender threads ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline const rtps::ThreadSettings &builtin_controllers_sender_thread() const
Getter for builtin flow controllers sender threads ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
void setup_transports(rtps::BuiltinTransports transports, const rtps::BuiltinTransportsOptions &options = rtps::BuiltinTransportsOptions())
Provides a way of easily configuring transport related configuration on certain pre-defined scenarios with certain options.
- Parameters:
transports – Defines the transport configuration scenario to setup.
options – Defines the options to be used in the transport configuration.
inline void builtin_controllers_sender_thread(const rtps::ThreadSettings &value)
Setter for the builtin flow controllers sender threads ThreadSettings
- Parameters:
value – New ThreadSettings to be set
inline rtps::ThreadSettings &timed_events_thread()
Getter for timed event ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline const rtps::ThreadSettings &timed_events_thread() const
Getter for timed event ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline void timed_events_thread(const rtps::ThreadSettings &value)
Setter for the timed event ThreadSettings
- Parameters:
value – New ThreadSettings to be set
inline rtps::ThreadSettings &discovery_server_thread()
Getter for discovery server ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline const rtps::ThreadSettings &discovery_server_thread() const
Getter for discovery server ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline void discovery_server_thread(const rtps::ThreadSettings &value)
Setter for the discovery server ThreadSettings
- Parameters:
value – New ThreadSettings to be set
inline rtps::ThreadSettings &typelookup_service_thread()
Getter for TypeLookup service ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline const rtps::ThreadSettings &typelookup_service_thread() const
Getter for TypeLookup service ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline void typelookup_service_thread(const rtps::ThreadSettings &value)
Setter for the TypeLookup service ThreadSettings
- Parameters:
value – New ThreadSettings to be set
inline rtps::ThreadSettings &security_log_thread()
Getter for security log ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline const rtps::ThreadSettings &security_log_thread() const
Getter for security log ThreadSettings
- Returns:
rtps::ThreadSettings reference
inline void security_log_thread(const rtps::ThreadSettings &value)
Setter for the security log ThreadSettings
- Parameters:
value – New ThreadSettings to be set
using FlowControllerDescriptorList = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fastdds::rtps::FlowControllerDescriptor>>
const DomainParticipantQos eprosima::fastdds::dds::PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT