class VerbatimTextDescriptor
Public Functions
virtual std::string &placement() = 0
Returns the location within the generated output at which the output text should be inserted.
- Returns:
The location.
virtual const std::string &placement() const = 0
Returns the location within the generated output at which the output text should be inserted.
- Returns:
The location.
virtual void placement(const std::string &placement) = 0
Sets the location within the generated output at which the output text should be inserted.
- Parameters:
placement – [in] The location.
virtual void placement(std::string &&placement) = 0
Sets the location within the generated output at which the output text should be inserted.
- Parameters:
placement – [in] The location.
virtual std::string &text() = 0
Returns the literal output text.
- Returns:
The text.
virtual const std::string &text() const = 0
Returns the literal output text.
- Returns:
The text.
virtual void text(const std::string &text) = 0
Sets the literal output text.
- Parameters:
text – [in] The text.
virtual void text(std::string &&text) = 0
Sets the literal output text.
- Parameters:
text – [in] The text.
virtual ReturnCode_t copy_from(traits<VerbatimTextDescriptor>::ref_type descriptor) = 0
Overwrites the contents of this descriptor with those of another descriptor.
- Parameters:
descriptor – [in] reference.
- Return values:
RETCODE_OK – when the copy was successful.
RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER – when descriptor reference is nil.
- Returns:
virtual bool equals(traits<VerbatimTextDescriptor>::ref_type descriptor) = 0
- Parameters:
descriptor – [in] reference to compare to.
- Returns:
on equality
virtual bool is_consistent() = 0
Indicates whether the states of all of this descriptor’s properties are consistent.
- Returns:
if consistent.
virtual std::string &placement() = 0