
class RTPSParticipantAttributes

Class RTPSParticipantAttributes used to define different aspects of a RTPSParticipant.

Public Functions

void setup_transports(fastdds::rtps::BuiltinTransports transports, const fastdds::rtps::BuiltinTransportsOptions &options = fastdds::rtps::BuiltinTransportsOptions())

Provides a way of easily configuring transport related configuration on certain pre-defined scenarios with certain options.

  • transports – Defines the transport configuration scenario to setup.

  • options – Defines the options to be used in the transport configuration.

inline void setName(const char *nam)

Set the name of the participant.

inline const char *getName() const

Get the name of the participant.

Public Members

LocatorList_t defaultUnicastLocatorList

Default list of Unicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the case that it was defined with NO UnicastLocators. At least ONE locator should be included in this list.

LocatorList_t defaultMulticastLocatorList

Default list of Multicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the case that it was defined with NO MulticastLocators. This is usually left empty.

fastdds::rtps::ExternalLocators default_external_unicast_locators

The collection of external locators to use for communication on user created topics.

bool ignore_non_matching_locators = false

Whether locators that don’t match with the announced locators should be kept.

uint32_t sendSocketBufferSize = 0

Send socket buffer size for the send resource.

Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size. Default value: 0.

uint32_t listenSocketBufferSize = 0

Listen socket buffer for all listen resources.

Zero value indicates to use default system buffer size. Default value: 0.

fastdds::rtps::NetmaskFilterKind netmaskFilter = fastdds::rtps::NetmaskFilterKind::AUTO

Netmask filter configuration.

GuidPrefix_t prefix

Optionally allows user to define the GuidPrefix_t.

BuiltinAttributes builtin

Builtin parameters.

PortParameters port

Port Parameters.

std::vector<octet> userData

User Data of the participant.

int32_t participantID = -1

Participant ID.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fastdds::rtps::TransportDescriptorInterface>> userTransports

User defined transports to use alongside or in place of builtins.

bool useBuiltinTransports = true

Set as false to disable the creation of the default transports.

RTPSParticipantAllocationAttributes allocation

Holds allocation limits affecting collections managed by a participant.

PropertyPolicy properties

Property policies.

FlowControllerDescriptorList flow_controllers

Flow controllers.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings builtin_controllers_sender_thread

Thread settings for the builtin flow controllers sender threads.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings timed_events_thread

Thread settings for the timed events thread.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings discovery_server_thread

Thread settings for the discovery server thread.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings typelookup_service_thread

Thread settings for the builtin TypeLookup service requests and replies threads.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings builtin_transports_reception_threads

Thread settings for the builtin transports reception threads.

fastdds::rtps::ThreadSettings security_log_thread

Thread settings for the security log thread.

uint32_t max_msg_size_no_frag = 0

Maximum message size used to avoid fragmentation, set ONLY in LARGE_DATA.

If this value is not zero, the network factory will allow the initialization of UDP transports with maxMessageSize higher than 65500K.