1.3. Writing a simple C++ publisher and subscriber application
This section details how to create a simple Fast DDS application with a publisher and a subscriber using C++ API step by step. It is also possible to self-generate a similar example to the one implemented in this section by using the eProsima Fast DDS-Gen tool. This additional approach is explained in Building a publish/subscribe application.
1.3.1. Background
DDS is a data-centric communications middleware that implements the DCPS model. This model is based on the development of a publisher, a data generating element; and a subscriber, a data consuming element. These entities communicate by means of the topic, an element that binds both DDS entities. Publishers generate information under a topic and subscribers subscribe to this same topic to receive information.
1.3.2. Prerequisites
First of all, you need to follow the steps outlined in the Installation Manual for the installation of eProsima Fast DDS and all its dependencies. You also need to have completed the steps outlined in the Installation Manual for the installation of the eProsima Fast DDS-Gen tool. Moreover, all the commands provided in this tutorial are outlined for a Linux environment.
1.3.3. Create the application workspace
The application workspace will have the following structure at the end of the project.
Files build/DDSHelloWorldPublisher
and build/DDSHelloWorldSubscriber
are the Publisher application and
Subscriber application respectively.
└── workspace_DDSHelloWorld
├── build
│ ├── CMakeCache.txt
│ ├── CMakeFiles
│ ├── cmake_install.cmake
│ ├── DDSHelloWorldPublisher
│ ├── DDSHelloWorldSubscriber
│ └── Makefile
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── src
├── HelloWorld.hpp
├── HelloWorld.idl
├── HelloWorldCdrAux.hpp
├── HelloWorldCdrAux.ipp
├── HelloWorldPublisher.cpp
├── HelloWorldPubSubTypes.cxx
├── HelloWorldPubSubTypes.h
├── HelloWorldSubscriber.cpp
├── HelloWorldTypeObjectSupport.cxx
└── HelloWorldTypeObjectSupport.hpp
Let’s create the directory tree first.
mkdir workspace_DDSHelloWorld && cd workspace_DDSHelloWorld
mkdir src build
1.3.4. Import linked libraries and its dependencies
The DDS application requires the Fast DDS and Fast CDR libraries. Depending on the installation procedure followed the process of making these libraries available for our DDS application will be slightly different. Installation from binaries and manual installation
If we have followed the installation from binaries or the manual installation, these libraries are already accessible from the workspace. On Linux, the header files can be found in directories /usr/include/fastdds/ and /usr/include/fastcdr/ for Fast DDS and Fast CDR respectively. The compiled libraries of both can be found in the directory /usr/lib/. Colcon installation
From a Colcon installation there are several ways to import the libraries. If the libraries need to be available just for the current session, run the following command.
source <path/to/Fast-DDS/workspace>/install/setup.bash
They can be made accessible from any session by adding the Fast DDS installation directory to your $PATH
variable in the shell configuration files for the current user running the following command.
echo 'source <path/to/Fast-DDS/workspace>/install/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
This will set up the environment after each of this user’s logins.
1.3.5. Configure the CMake project
We will use the CMake tool to manage the building of the project. With your preferred text editor, create a new file called CMakeLists.txt and copy and paste the following code snippet. Save this file in the root directory of your workspace. If you have followed these steps, it should be workspace_DDSHelloWorld.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
# Find requirements
if(NOT fastcdr_FOUND)
find_package(fastcdr 2 REQUIRED)
if(NOT fastdds_FOUND)
find_package(fastdds 3 REQUIRED)
# Set C++11
check_cxx_compiler_flag(-std=c++11 SUPPORTS_CXX11)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Compiler doesn't support C++11")
message(STATUS "Configuring HelloWorld publisher/subscriber example...")
In each section we will complete this file to include the specific generated files.
1.3.6. Build the topic data type
eProsima Fast DDS-Gen is a Java application that generates source code using the data types defined in an Interface Description Language (IDL) file. This application can do two different things:
Generate C++ definitions for your custom topic.
Generate a functional example that uses your topic data.
It will be the former that will be followed in this tutorial. To see an example of application of the latter you can check this other example. See Introduction for further details. For this project, we will use the Fast DDS-Gen application to define the data type of the messages that will be sent by the publishers and received by the subscribers.
In the workspace directory, execute the following commands:
cd src && touch HelloWorld.idl
This creates the HelloWorld.idl file in the src directory. Open the file in a text editor and copy and paste the following snippet of code.
struct HelloWorld
unsigned long index;
string message;
By doing this we have defined the HelloWorld
data type, which has two elements: an index of type uint32_t
and a message of type std::string
All that remains is to generate the source code that implements this data type in C++11.
To do this, run the following command from the src
<path/to/Fast DDS-Gen>/scripts/fastddsgen HelloWorld.idl
This must have generated the following files:
HelloWorld.hpp: HelloWorld type definition.
HelloWorldPubSubTypes.cxx: Interface used by Fast DDS to support HelloWorld type.
HelloWorldPubSubTypes.h: Header file for HelloWorldPubSubTypes.cxx.
HelloWorldCdrAux.ipp: Serialization and Deserialization code for the HelloWorld type.
HelloWorldCdrAux.hpp: Header file for HelloWorldCdrAux.ipp.
HelloWorldTypeObjectSupport.cxx: TypeObject representation registration code.
HelloWorldTypeObjectSupport.hpp: Header file for HelloWorldTypeObjectSupport.cxx. CMakeLists.txt
Include the following code snippet at the end of the CMakeList.txt file you created earlier. This includes the files we have just created.
target_link_libraries(DDSHelloWorldPublisher fastdds fastcdr)
1.3.7. Write the Fast DDS publisher
From the src directory in the workspace, run the following command to download the HelloWorldPublisher.cpp file.
wget -O HelloWorldPublisher.cpp \
This is the C++ source code for the publisher application. It is going to send 10 publications under the topic HelloWorldTopic.
1// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
16 * @file HelloWorldPublisher.cpp
17 *
18 */
20#include "HelloWorldPubSubTypes.hpp"
22#include <chrono>
23#include <thread>
25#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
26#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
27#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriter.hpp>
28#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriterListener.hpp>
29#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/Publisher.hpp>
30#include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
32using namespace eprosima::fastdds::dds;
34class HelloWorldPublisher
38 HelloWorld hello_;
40 DomainParticipant* participant_;
42 Publisher* publisher_;
44 Topic* topic_;
46 DataWriter* writer_;
48 TypeSupport type_;
50 class PubListener : public DataWriterListener
51 {
52 public:
54 PubListener()
55 : matched_(0)
56 {
57 }
59 ~PubListener() override
60 {
61 }
63 void on_publication_matched(
64 DataWriter*,
65 const PublicationMatchedStatus& info) override
66 {
67 if (info.current_count_change == 1)
68 {
69 matched_ = info.total_count;
70 std::cout << "Publisher matched." << std::endl;
71 }
72 else if (info.current_count_change == -1)
73 {
74 matched_ = info.total_count;
75 std::cout << "Publisher unmatched." << std::endl;
76 }
77 else
78 {
79 std::cout << info.current_count_change
80 << " is not a valid value for PublicationMatchedStatus current count change." << std::endl;
81 }
82 }
84 std::atomic_int matched_;
86 } listener_;
90 HelloWorldPublisher()
91 : participant_(nullptr)
92 , publisher_(nullptr)
93 , topic_(nullptr)
94 , writer_(nullptr)
95 , type_(new HelloWorldPubSubType())
96 {
97 }
99 virtual ~HelloWorldPublisher()
100 {
101 if (writer_ != nullptr)
102 {
103 publisher_->delete_datawriter(writer_);
104 }
105 if (publisher_ != nullptr)
106 {
107 participant_->delete_publisher(publisher_);
108 }
109 if (topic_ != nullptr)
110 {
111 participant_->delete_topic(topic_);
112 }
113 DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->delete_participant(participant_);
114 }
116 //!Initialize the publisher
117 bool init()
118 {
119 hello_.index(0);
120 hello_.message("HelloWorld");
122 DomainParticipantQos participantQos;
123 participantQos.name("Participant_publisher");
124 participant_ = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->create_participant(0, participantQos);
126 if (participant_ == nullptr)
127 {
128 return false;
129 }
131 // Register the Type
132 type_.register_type(participant_);
134 // Create the publications Topic
135 topic_ = participant_->create_topic("HelloWorldTopic", "HelloWorld", TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT);
137 if (topic_ == nullptr)
138 {
139 return false;
140 }
142 // Create the Publisher
143 publisher_ = participant_->create_publisher(PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT, nullptr);
145 if (publisher_ == nullptr)
146 {
147 return false;
148 }
150 // Create the DataWriter
151 writer_ = publisher_->create_datawriter(topic_, DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, &listener_);
153 if (writer_ == nullptr)
154 {
155 return false;
156 }
157 return true;
158 }
160 //!Send a publication
161 bool publish()
162 {
163 if (listener_.matched_ > 0)
164 {
165 hello_.index(hello_.index() + 1);
166 writer_->write(&hello_);
167 return true;
168 }
169 return false;
170 }
172 //!Run the Publisher
173 void run(
174 uint32_t samples)
175 {
176 uint32_t samples_sent = 0;
177 while (samples_sent < samples)
178 {
179 if (publish())
180 {
181 samples_sent++;
182 std::cout << "Message: " << hello_.message() << " with index: " << hello_.index()
183 << " SENT" << std::endl;
184 }
185 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
186 }
187 }
190int main(
191 int argc,
192 char** argv)
194 std::cout << "Starting publisher." << std::endl;
195 uint32_t samples = 10;
197 HelloWorldPublisher* mypub = new HelloWorldPublisher();
198 if(mypub->init())
199 {
200 mypub->run(samples);
201 }
203 delete mypub;
204 return 0;
205} Examining the code
At the beginning of the file we have a Doxygen style comment block with the @file
field that tells us the name of
the file.
* @file HelloWorldPublisher.cpp
Below are the includes of the C++ headers. The first one includes the HelloWorldPubSubTypes.h file with the serialization and deserialization functions of the data type that we have defined in the previous section.
#include "HelloWorldPubSubTypes.hpp"
The next block includes the C++ header files that allow the use of the Fast DDS API.
. Allows for the creation and destruction of DomainParticipant objects.DomainParticipant
. Acts as a container for all other Entity objects and as a factory for the Publisher, Subscriber, and Topic objects.TypeSupport
. Provides the participant with the functions to serialize, deserialize and get the key of a specific data type.Publisher
. It is the object responsible for the creation of DataWriters.DataWriter
. Allows the application to set the value of the data to be published under a given Topic.DataWriterListener
. Allows the redefinition of the functions of the DataWriterListener.
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriter.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriterListener.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/Publisher.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
Next, we define the namespace that contains the eProsima Fast DDS classes and functions that we are going to use in our application.
using namespace eprosima::fastdds::dds;
The next line creates the HelloWorldPublisher
class that implements a publisher.
class HelloWorldPublisher
Continuing with the private data members of the class, the hello_
data member is defined as an object of the
class that defines the data type
we created with the IDL file.
Next, the private data members corresponding to the participant, publisher, topic, DataWriter and data type are
The type_
object of the TypeSupport
class is the object that will be used to register the topic data type
in the DomainParticipant.
HelloWorld hello_;
DomainParticipant* participant_;
Publisher* publisher_;
Topic* topic_;
DataWriter* writer_;
TypeSupport type_;
Then, the PubListener
class is defined by inheriting from the DataWriterListener
This class overrides the default DataWriter listener callbacks, which allows the execution of routines in case of an
The overridden callback on_publication_matched()
allows the definition of a series of actions when a new DataReader
is detected listening to the topic under which the DataWriter is publishing.
The info.current_count_change()
detects these changes of DataReaders that are matched to the
This is a member in the MatchedStatus
structure that allows tracking changes in the status of subscriptions.
Finally, the listener_
object of the class is defined as an instance of PubListener
class PubListener : public DataWriterListener
: matched_(0)
~PubListener() override
void on_publication_matched(
const PublicationMatchedStatus& info) override
if (info.current_count_change == 1)
matched_ = info.total_count;
std::cout << "Publisher matched." << std::endl;
else if (info.current_count_change == -1)
matched_ = info.total_count;
std::cout << "Publisher unmatched." << std::endl;
std::cout << info.current_count_change
<< " is not a valid value for PublicationMatchedStatus current count change." << std::endl;
std::atomic_int matched_;
} listener_;
The public constructor and destructor of the HelloWorldPublisher
class are defined below.
The constructor initializes the private data members of the class to nullptr
, with the exception of the TypeSupport
object, that is initialized as an instance of the HelloWorldPubSubType
The class destructor removes these data members and thus cleans the system memory.
: participant_(nullptr)
, publisher_(nullptr)
, topic_(nullptr)
, writer_(nullptr)
, type_(new HelloWorldPubSubType())
virtual ~HelloWorldPublisher()
if (writer_ != nullptr)
if (publisher_ != nullptr)
if (topic_ != nullptr)
Continuing with the public member functions of the HelloWorldPublisher
class, the next snippet of code defines
the public publisher’s initialization member function.
This function performs several actions:
Initializes the content of the HelloWorld type
structure members.Assigns a name to the participant through the QoS of the DomainParticipant.
Uses the
to create the participant.Registers the data type defined in the IDL.
Creates the topic for the publications.
Creates the publisher.
Creates the DataWriter with the listener previously created.
As you can see, the QoS configuration for all entities, except for the participant’s name, is the default configuration
The default value of the QoS of each DDS Entity can be checked in the
DDS standard.
//!Initialize the publisher
bool init()
DomainParticipantQos participantQos;
participant_ = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->create_participant(0, participantQos);
if (participant_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Register the Type
// Create the publications Topic
topic_ = participant_->create_topic("HelloWorldTopic", "HelloWorld", TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT);
if (topic_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Create the Publisher
publisher_ = participant_->create_publisher(PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT, nullptr);
if (publisher_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Create the DataWriter
writer_ = publisher_->create_datawriter(topic_, DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, &listener_);
if (writer_ == nullptr)
return false;
return true;
To make the publication, the public member function publish()
is implemented.
In the DataWriter’s listener callback which states that the DataWriter has matched with a DataReader
that listens to the publication topic, the data member matched_
is updated. It contains the number of DataReaders
Therefore, when the first DataReader has been discovered, the application starts to publish.
This is simply the writing of a change by the DataWriter object.
//!Send a publication
bool publish()
if (listener_.matched_ > 0)
hello_.index(hello_.index() + 1);
return true;
return false;
The public run function executes the action of publishing a given number of times, waiting for 1 second between publications.
//!Run the Publisher
void run(
uint32_t samples)
uint32_t samples_sent = 0;
while (samples_sent < samples)
if (publish())
std::cout << "Message: " << hello_.message() << " with index: " << hello_.index()
<< " SENT" << std::endl;
Finally, the HelloWorldPublisher is initialized and run in main.
int main(
int argc,
char** argv)
std::cout << "Starting publisher." << std::endl;
uint32_t samples = 10;
HelloWorldPublisher* mypub = new HelloWorldPublisher();
delete mypub;
return 0;
} CMakeLists.txt
Include at the end of the CMakeList.txt file you created earlier the following code snippet. This adds all the source files needed to build the executable, and links the executable and the library together.
add_executable(DDSHelloWorldPublisher src/HelloWorldPublisher.cpp ${DDS_HELLOWORLD_SOURCES_CXX})
target_link_libraries(DDSHelloWorldPublisher fastdds fastcdr)
At this point the project is ready for building, compiling and running the publisher application. From the build directory in the workspace, run the following commands.
cmake ..
cmake --build .
1.3.8. Write the Fast DDS subscriber
From the src directory in the workspace, execute the following command to download the HelloWorldSubscriber.cpp file.
wget -O HelloWorldSubscriber.cpp \
This is the C++ source code for the subscriber application. The application runs a subscriber until it receives 10 samples under the topic HelloWorldTopic. At this point the subscriber stops.
1// Copyright 2016 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
16 * @file HelloWorldSubscriber.cpp
17 *
18 */
20#include "HelloWorldPubSubTypes.hpp"
22#include <chrono>
23#include <thread>
25#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
26#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
27#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/DataReader.hpp>
28#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/DataReaderListener.hpp>
29#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/qos/DataReaderQos.hpp>
30#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/SampleInfo.hpp>
31#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/Subscriber.hpp>
32#include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
34using namespace eprosima::fastdds::dds;
36class HelloWorldSubscriber
40 DomainParticipant* participant_;
42 Subscriber* subscriber_;
44 DataReader* reader_;
46 Topic* topic_;
48 TypeSupport type_;
50 class SubListener : public DataReaderListener
51 {
52 public:
54 SubListener()
55 : samples_(0)
56 {
57 }
59 ~SubListener() override
60 {
61 }
63 void on_subscription_matched(
64 DataReader*,
65 const SubscriptionMatchedStatus& info) override
66 {
67 if (info.current_count_change == 1)
68 {
69 std::cout << "Subscriber matched." << std::endl;
70 }
71 else if (info.current_count_change == -1)
72 {
73 std::cout << "Subscriber unmatched." << std::endl;
74 }
75 else
76 {
77 std::cout << info.current_count_change
78 << " is not a valid value for SubscriptionMatchedStatus current count change" << std::endl;
79 }
80 }
82 void on_data_available(
83 DataReader* reader) override
84 {
85 SampleInfo info;
86 if (reader->take_next_sample(&hello_, &info) == eprosima::fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK)
87 {
88 if (info.valid_data)
89 {
90 samples_++;
91 std::cout << "Message: " << hello_.message() << " with index: " << hello_.index()
92 << " RECEIVED." << std::endl;
93 }
94 }
95 }
97 HelloWorld hello_;
99 std::atomic_int samples_;
101 }
102 listener_;
106 HelloWorldSubscriber()
107 : participant_(nullptr)
108 , subscriber_(nullptr)
109 , topic_(nullptr)
110 , reader_(nullptr)
111 , type_(new HelloWorldPubSubType())
112 {
113 }
115 virtual ~HelloWorldSubscriber()
116 {
117 if (reader_ != nullptr)
118 {
119 subscriber_->delete_datareader(reader_);
120 }
121 if (topic_ != nullptr)
122 {
123 participant_->delete_topic(topic_);
124 }
125 if (subscriber_ != nullptr)
126 {
127 participant_->delete_subscriber(subscriber_);
128 }
129 DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->delete_participant(participant_);
130 }
132 //!Initialize the subscriber
133 bool init()
134 {
135 DomainParticipantQos participantQos;
136 participantQos.name("Participant_subscriber");
137 participant_ = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->create_participant(0, participantQos);
139 if (participant_ == nullptr)
140 {
141 return false;
142 }
144 // Register the Type
145 type_.register_type(participant_);
147 // Create the subscriptions Topic
148 topic_ = participant_->create_topic("HelloWorldTopic", "HelloWorld", TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT);
150 if (topic_ == nullptr)
151 {
152 return false;
153 }
155 // Create the Subscriber
156 subscriber_ = participant_->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, nullptr);
158 if (subscriber_ == nullptr)
159 {
160 return false;
161 }
163 // Create the DataReader
164 reader_ = subscriber_->create_datareader(topic_, DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, &listener_);
166 if (reader_ == nullptr)
167 {
168 return false;
169 }
171 return true;
172 }
174 //!Run the Subscriber
175 void run(
176 uint32_t samples)
177 {
178 while (listener_.samples_ < samples)
179 {
180 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
181 }
182 }
186int main(
187 int argc,
188 char** argv)
190 std::cout << "Starting subscriber." << std::endl;
191 uint32_t samples = 10;
193 HelloWorldSubscriber* mysub = new HelloWorldSubscriber();
194 if (mysub->init())
195 {
196 mysub->run(samples);
197 }
199 delete mysub;
200 return 0;
201} Examining the code
Since the source code of both the publisher and subscriber applications is mostly identical, this document will focus on the main differences between them, omitting the parts of the code that have already been explained.
Following the same structure as in the publisher explanation, the first step is the includes of the C++ header files. In these, the files that include the publisher class are replaced by the subscriber class and the data writer class by the data reader class.
. It is the object responsible for the creation and configuration of DataReaders.DataReader
. It is the object responsible for the actual reception of the data. It registers in the application the topic (TopicDescription) that identifies the data to be read and accesses the data received by the subscriber.DataReaderListener
. This is the listener assigned to the data reader.DataReaderQoS
. Structure that defines the QoS of the DataReader.SampleInfo
. It is the information that accompanies each sample that is ‘read’ or ‘taken’.
#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/DataReader.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/DataReaderListener.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/qos/DataReaderQos.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/SampleInfo.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/Subscriber.hpp>
#include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
The next line defines the HelloWorldSubscriber
class that implements a subscriber.
class HelloWorldSubscriber
Starting with the private data members of the class, it is worth mentioning the implementation of the data reader
The private data members of the class will be the participant, the subscriber, the topic, the data reader, and the
data type.
As it was the case with the data writer, the listener implements the callbacks to be executed in case an event
The first overridden callback of the SubListener is the on_subscription_matched()
, which is the
analog of the on_publication_matched()
callback of the DataWriter.
void on_subscription_matched(
const SubscriptionMatchedStatus& info) override
if (info.current_count_change == 1)
std::cout << "Subscriber matched." << std::endl;
else if (info.current_count_change == -1)
std::cout << "Subscriber unmatched." << std::endl;
std::cout << info.current_count_change
<< " is not a valid value for SubscriptionMatchedStatus current count change" << std::endl;
The second overridden callback is on_data_available()
In this, the next received sample that the data reader can access is taken and processed to display its content.
It is here that the object of the SampleInfo
class is defined, which determines whether a sample has already
been read or taken.
Each time a sample is read, the counter of samples received is increased.
void on_data_available(
DataReader* reader) override
SampleInfo info;
if (reader->take_next_sample(&hello_, &info) == eprosima::fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK)
if (info.valid_data)
std::cout << "Message: " << hello_.message() << " with index: " << hello_.index()
<< " RECEIVED." << std::endl;
The public constructor and destructor of the class is defined below.
: participant_(nullptr)
, subscriber_(nullptr)
, topic_(nullptr)
, reader_(nullptr)
, type_(new HelloWorldPubSubType())
virtual ~HelloWorldSubscriber()
if (reader_ != nullptr)
if (topic_ != nullptr)
if (subscriber_ != nullptr)
Next comes the subscriber initialization public member function.
This is the same as the initialization public member function defined for the HelloWorldPublisher
The QoS configuration for all entities, except for the participant’s name, is the default QoS
The default value of the QoS of each DDS Entity can be checked in the
DDS standard.
//!Initialize the subscriber
bool init()
DomainParticipantQos participantQos;
participant_ = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->create_participant(0, participantQos);
if (participant_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Register the Type
// Create the subscriptions Topic
topic_ = participant_->create_topic("HelloWorldTopic", "HelloWorld", TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT);
if (topic_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Create the Subscriber
subscriber_ = participant_->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, nullptr);
if (subscriber_ == nullptr)
return false;
// Create the DataReader
reader_ = subscriber_->create_datareader(topic_, DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, &listener_);
if (reader_ == nullptr)
return false;
return true;
The public member function run()
ensures that the subscriber runs until all the samples have been received.
This member function implements an active wait of the subscriber, with a 100ms sleep interval to ease the CPU.
//!Run the Subscriber
void run(
uint32_t samples)
while (listener_.samples_ < samples)
Finally, the participant that implements a subscriber is initialized and run in main.
int main(
int argc,
char** argv)
std::cout << "Starting subscriber." << std::endl;
uint32_t samples = 10;
HelloWorldSubscriber* mysub = new HelloWorldSubscriber();
if (mysub->init())
delete mysub; CMakeLists.txt
Include at the end of the CMakeList.txt file you created earlier the following code snippet. This adds all the source files needed to build the executable, and links the executable and the library together.
add_executable(DDSHelloWorldSubscriber src/HelloWorldSubscriber.cpp ${DDS_HELLOWORLD_SOURCES_CXX})
target_link_libraries(DDSHelloWorldSubscriber fastdds fastcdr)
At this point the project is ready for building, compiling and running the subscriber application. From the build directory in the workspace, run the following commands.
cmake ..
cmake --build .
1.3.9. Putting all together
Finally, from the build directory, run the publisher and subscriber applications from two terminals.
1.3.10. Summary
In this tutorial you have built a publisher and a subscriber DDS application. You have also learned how to build the CMake file for source code compilation, and how to include and use the Fast DDS and Fast CDR libraries in your project.
1.3.11. Next steps
In the eProsima Fast DDS Github repository you will find more complex examples that implement DDS communication for a multitude of use cases and scenarios. You can find them here.