
class ResourceLimitsQosPolicy : public eprosima::fastdds::dds::Parameter_t, public eprosima::fastdds::dds::QosPolicy

Specifies the resources that the Service can consume in order to meet the requested QoS


Immutable Qos Policy

Public Functions

inline ResourceLimitsQosPolicy()


virtual ~ResourceLimitsQosPolicy() = default


inline virtual void clear() override

Clears the QosPolicy object.

Public Members

int32_t max_samples

Specifies the maximum number of data-samples the DataWriter (or DataReader) can manage across all the instances associated with it. Represents the maximum samples the middleware can store for any one DataWriter (or DataReader


Value 0 means infinite resources. By default, 5000.


It is inconsistent if max_samples < (max_instances * max_samples_per_instance).

int32_t max_instances

Represents the maximum number of instances DataWriter (or DataReader

) can manage.

Value 0 means infinite resources. By default, 10.


It is inconsistent if (max_instances * max_samples_per_instance) > max_samples.

int32_t max_samples_per_instance

Represents the maximum number of samples of any one instance a DataWriter(or DataReader) can manage.

Value 0 means infinite resources. By default, 400.


It is inconsistent if (max_instances * max_samples_per_instance) > max_samples.

int32_t allocated_samples

Number of samples currently allocated.

By default, 100.

int32_t extra_samples

Represents the extra number of samples available once the max_samples have been reached in the history. This makes it possible, for example, to loan samples even with a full history. By default, 1.