16. ROS 2 using Fast DDS middleware
Fast DDS is the default middleware implementation in the Open Source Robotic Fundation (OSRF) Robot Operating System ROS 2 in every long term (LTS) releases and most of the non-LTS releases.
ROS 2 is a state-of-the-art software for robot engineering which consists of a set of free software libraries and tools for building robot applications. This section presents some use cases and shows how to take full advantage of Fast DDS wide set of capabilities in a ROS 2 project.
The interface between the ROS 2 stack and Fast DDS is provided by a ROS 2 package
This package is available in all ROS 2 distributions, both from binaries and from sources.
actually provides not one but two different ROS 2 middleware implementations, both of them using Fast
DDS as middleware layer: rmw_fastrtps_cpp
and rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
The main difference between the two is that rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
uses introspection type support at run time to
decide on the serialization/deserialization mechanism, while rmw_fastrtps_cpp
uses its own type support, which
generates the mapping for each message type at build time.
The default ROS 2 RMW implementation in all distributions except EOL Galactic is rmw_fastrtps_cpp
For EOL Galactic the environment variable RMW_IMPLEMENTATION
has to be set to select rmw_fastrtps_cpp
order to use Fast DDS as the middleware layer.
This environment variable can also be used to select the rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
environment variable:export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp
When launching your ROS 2 application:
RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp ros2 run <package> <application>
RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp ros2 run <package> <application>
On EOL Galactic you may have to install the rmw_fastrtps_cpp
sudo apt install ros-galactic-rmw-fastrtps-cpp