1. Linux installation from binaries

The instructions for installing eProsima Fast DDS in a Linux environment from binaries are provided in this page.

1.1. Install

The latest release of eProsima Fast DDS for Linux is available at the eProsima website Downloads tab. Once downloaded, extract the contents in your preferred directory. Then, to install eProsima Fast DDS and all its dependencies in the system, execute the install.sh script with administrative privileges:

cd <extraction_directory>
sudo ./install.sh


By default, eProsima Fast DDS does not compile tests. To activate them, please refer to the Linux installation from sources page.

1.1.1. Contents

The src folder contains the following packages:

  • foonathan_memory_vendor, an STL compatible C++ memory allocator library.

  • fastcdr, a C++ library for data serialization according to the CDR standard (Section OMG CDR).

  • fastdds, the core library of eProsima Fast DDS library.

  • fastddsgen, a Java application that generates source code using the data types defined in an IDL file.

See also

For further information about Fast DDS dependencies, as well as for the corresponding versions of other related products, please refer to the Fast DDS Dependencies and compatibilities section.

In case any of these components is unwanted, it can be simply renamed or removed from the src directory.

1.1.2. Run an application

When running an instance of an application using eProsima Fast DDS, it must be linked with the library where the packages have been installed, /usr/local/lib/. There are two possibilities:

  • Prepare the environment locally by typing in the console used for running the eProsima Fast DDS instance the command:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/
  • Add it permanently to the PATH by executing:

    echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/' >> ~/.bashrc

1.1.3. Including Fast-DDS in a CMake project

The installer deploys CMake config files that simplify to incorporate Fast-DDS to any CMake project via the find_package CMake API.

By setting the CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is possible to choose the desired linkage (dynamic or static library) in the CMake generator stage. If the variable is missing build process will default to static linking.

For example in order to build the examples dynamically linked to Fast-DDS do:

$ cmake -Bbuildexample -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON .
$ cmake --build buildexample --target install

1.2. Fast DDS CLI (optional)

The Fast DDS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool that provides a set commands and sub-commands to perform, Fast DDS related, maintenance and configuration tasks. As an optional tool, its dependencies are not installed by default, but they can be installed by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install xmlschema

Python3 is required to run the CLI tool, and the xmlschema dependency is needed to use the XML validation command.

1.3. Uninstall

To uninstall all installed components, execute the uninstall.sh script (with administrative privileges):

cd <extraction_directory>
sudo ./uninstall.sh


If any of the other components were already installed in some other way in the system, they will be removed as well. To avoid it, edit the script before executing it.