struct SampleInfo
SampleInfo is the information that accompanies each sample that is ‘read’ or ‘taken.
Public Members
SampleStateKind sample_state
indicates whether or not the corresponding data sample has already been read
ViewStateKind view_state
indicates whether the DataReader has already seen samples for the most-current generation of the related instance.
InstanceStateKind instance_state
indicates whether the instance is currently in existence or, if it has been disposed, the reason why it was disposed.
int32_t disposed_generation_count
number of times the instance had become alive after it was disposed
int32_t no_writers_generation_count
number of times the instance had become alive after it was disposed because no writers
int32_t sample_rank
number of samples related to the same instance that follow in the collection
int32_t generation_rank
the generation difference between the time the sample was received, and the time the most recent sample in the collection was received.
int32_t absolute_generation_rank
the generation difference between the time the sample was received, and the time the most recent sample was received. The most recent sample used for the calculation may or may not be in the returned collection
rtps::Time_t source_timestamp
time provided by the DataWriter when the sample was written
rtps::Time_t reception_timestamp
time provided by the DataReader when the sample was added to its history
InstanceHandle_t instance_handle
identifies locally the corresponding instance
InstanceHandle_t publication_handle
identifies locally the DataWriter that modified the instance
Is the same InstanceHandle_t that is returned by the operation get_matched_publications on the DataReader
bool valid_data
whether the DataSample contains data or is only used to communicate of a change in the instance
rtps::SampleIdentity sample_identity
Sample Identity (Extension for RPC)
Related Sample Identity (Extension for RPC)
SampleStateKind sample_state