RTPS layer Time_t
class Time_t
Structure Time_t, used to describe times at RTPS protocol.
Public Functions
Time_t() = default
Default constructor. Sets values to zero.
Time_t(int32_t sec, uint32_t frac)
- Parameters:
sec – Seconds
frac – Fraction of second
Time_t(long double sec)
- Parameters:
sec – Seconds. The fractional part is converted to nanoseconds.
Time_t(const eprosima::fastdds::dds::Time_t &time)
- Parameters:
time – fastdds::dds::Time_t, aka. dds::Duration_t.
int64_t to_ns() const
Returns stored time as nanoseconds (including seconds)
void from_ns(int64_t nanosecs)
- Parameters:
nanosecs – Stores given time as nanoseconds (including seconds)
int32_t seconds() const
Retrieve the seconds field.
int32_t &seconds()
Retrieve the seconds field by ref.
void seconds(int32_t sec)
Sets seconds field.
uint32_t nanosec() const
Retrieve the nanosec field.
void nanosec(uint32_t nanos)
Sets nanoseconds field and updates the fraction.
uint32_t fraction() const
Retrieve the fraction field.
uint32_t &fraction()
Retrieve the fraction field by ref.
void fraction(uint32_t frac)
Sets fraction field and updates the nanoseconds.
Time_t() = default