class PortBasedTransportDescriptor : public eprosima::fastdds::rtps::TransportDescriptorInterface
Base class for all port based transport descriptors
This class provides a common thread settings configuration for all port based transport descriptor implementations
Subclassed by eprosima::fastdds::rtps::SharedMemTransportDescriptor, eprosima::fastdds::rtps::SocketTransportDescriptor
Public Functions
PortBasedTransportDescriptor(uint32_t maximumMessageSize, uint32_t maximumInitialPeersRange)
PortBasedTransportDescriptor(const PortBasedTransportDescriptor &t) = default
Copy constructor.
PortBasedTransportDescriptor &operator=(const PortBasedTransportDescriptor &t) = default
Copy assignment.
virtual ~PortBasedTransportDescriptor() = default
bool operator==(const PortBasedTransportDescriptor &t) const
Comparison operator.
virtual const ThreadSettings &get_thread_config_for_port(uint32_t port) const
Get the ThreadSettings for a specific port.
This function first looks for the port-specific ThreadSettings in the user-configured reception threads map, i.e. the collection of ThreadSettings returned by reception_threads(). If the ThreadSettings are found within said map, then get_thread_config_for_port() returns them; else it returns the default reception thread settings, i.e. the ThreadSettings returned by default_reception_threads().
This function will return the default reception thread ThreadSettings when called with a non-default, non-user-configured port.
- Parameters:
port – The port to which the returned ThreadSetting apply.
- Returns:
The ThreadSettings for the given port.
const ThreadSettings &default_reception_threads() const
Returns the ThreadSettings for the default reception threads.
virtual void default_reception_threads(const ThreadSettings &default_reception_threads)
Set the ThreadSettings for the default reception threads.
const ReceptionThreadsConfigMap &reception_threads() const
Returns the ThreadSettings for the user-configured reception threads.
virtual bool reception_threads(const ReceptionThreadsConfigMap &reception_threads)
Set the ThreadSettings for the user-configured reception threads.
PortBasedTransportDescriptor(uint32_t maximumMessageSize, uint32_t maximumInitialPeersRange)