
class WriterAttributes

Class WriterAttributes, defining the attributes of a RTPSWriter.

Public Members

EndpointAttributes endpoint

Attributes of the associated endpoint.

WriterTimes times

Writer Times (only used for RELIABLE).

fastdds::dds::LivelinessQosPolicyKind liveliness_kind

Liveliness kind.

dds::Duration_t liveliness_lease_duration

Liveliness lease duration.

dds::Duration_t liveliness_announcement_period

Liveliness announcement period.

RTPSWriterPublishMode mode

Indicates if the Writer is synchronous or asynchronous.

bool disable_heartbeat_piggyback

Disable the sending of heartbeat piggybacks.

ResourceLimitedContainerConfig matched_readers_allocation

Define the allocation behaviour for matched-reader-dependent collections.

bool disable_positive_acks

Disable the sending of positive ACKs.

dds::Duration_t keep_duration

Keep duration to keep a sample before considering it has been acked.

std::string flow_controller_name = fastdds::rtps::FASTDDS_FLOW_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT

Flow controller name. Default: fastdds::rtps::FASTDDS_FLOW_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT.

bool separate_sending = false

Whether to send data to each matched reader separately.