class DiscoverySettings
Class DiscoverySettings, to define the attributes of the several discovery protocols available
Public Functions
Public Members
DiscoveryProtocol discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol::SIMPLE
Chosen discovery protocol.
bool use_SIMPLE_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol = true
If set to true, SimpleEDP would be used.
bool use_STATIC_EndpointDiscoveryProtocol = false
If set to true, StaticEDP based on an XML file would be implemented. The XML filename must be provided.
dds::Duration_t leaseDuration = {20, 0}
Lease Duration of the RTPSParticipant, indicating how much time remote RTPSParticipants should consider this RTPSParticipant alive.
dds::Duration_t leaseDuration_announcementperiod = {3, 0}
The period for the RTPSParticipant to send its Discovery Message to all other discovered RTPSParticipants as well as to all Multicast ports.
InitialAnnouncementConfig initial_announcements
Initial announcements configuration.
SimpleEDPAttributes m_simpleEDP
Attributes of the SimpleEDP protocol.
PDPFactory m_PDPfactory = {}
function that returns a PDP object (only if EXTERNAL selected)
dds::Duration_t discoveryServer_client_syncperiod = {0, 450 * 1000000}
The period for the RTPSParticipant to: send its Discovery Message to its servers check for EDP endpoints matching
eprosima::fastdds::rtps::LocatorList m_DiscoveryServers
Discovery Server initial connections, needed if
ParticipantFilteringFlags ignoreParticipantFlags = ParticipantFilteringFlags::NO_FILTER
Filtering participants out depending on location.
DiscoveryProtocol discoveryProtocol = DiscoveryProtocol::SIMPLE