
class WireProtocolConfigQos : public eprosima::fastdds::dds::QosPolicy

Qos Policy that configures the wire protocol.

Public Functions

inline WireProtocolConfigQos()


virtual ~WireProtocolConfigQos() = default


inline virtual void clear() override

Clears the QosPolicy object.

Public Members

fastdds::rtps::GuidPrefix_t prefix

Optionally allows user to define the GuidPrefix_t.

int32_t participant_id

Participant ID

By default, -1.

fastdds::rtps::BuiltinAttributes builtin

Builtin parameters.

fastdds::rtps::PortParameters port

Port Parameters.

rtps::LocatorList default_unicast_locator_list

Default list of Unicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the case that it was defined with NO UnicastLocators. At least ONE locator should be included in this list.

rtps::LocatorList default_multicast_locator_list

Default list of Multicast Locators to be used for any Endpoint defined inside this RTPSParticipant in the case that it was defined with NO MulticastLocators. This is usually left empty.

rtps::ExternalLocators default_external_unicast_locators

The collection of external locators to use for communication on user created topics.

bool ignore_non_matching_locators = false

Whether locators that don’t match with the announced locators should be kept.