
class LocatorList

Class LocatorList, a Locator vector that doesn’t allow duplicates.

Public Functions

inline LocatorList()


inline ~LocatorList()


inline LocatorList(const LocatorList &list)

Copy constructor.

inline LocatorList(LocatorList &&list)

Move constructor.

inline LocatorList &operator=(const LocatorList &list)

Copy assignment.

inline LocatorList &operator=(LocatorList &&list)

Move assignment.

inline bool operator==(const LocatorList &locator_list) const

Equal to operator.

inline bool operator!=(const LocatorList &locator_list) const

Not equal to operator.

inline LocatorListIterator begin()

Return an iterator to the beginning.


LocatorListIterator iterator to the first locator.

inline LocatorListIterator end()

Return an iterator to the end.


LocatorListIterator iterator to the element following the last element.

inline LocatorListConstIterator begin() const

Return a constant iterator to the beginning.


LocatorListConstIterator iterator to the first locator.

inline LocatorListConstIterator end() const

Return a constant iterator to the end.


LocatorListConstIterator iterator to the element following the last element.

inline size_t size() const

Return the number of locators.


size_t The number of locators in the container.

inline LocatorList &assign(const LocatorList &list)

Replace the contents of the container.


list – New content to be saved into the container.


LocatorList& reference to the container with the replaced content.

inline void clear()

Erase all locators from the container.

inline void reserve(size_t num)

Reserve storage increasing the capacity of the vector.


num – new capacity of the vector, in number of elements.

inline void resize(size_t num)

Resize the container to contain num locators. If the current size is greater than num, the container is reduced to its first num locators. If the current size is less than count, additional default-inserted locators are appended.


num – new size of the container.

inline void push_back(const Locator &loc)

Add locator to the end if not found within the list.


loc – locator to be appended.

inline void push_back(const LocatorList &locList)

Add several locators to the end if not already present within the list.


locListLocatorList with the locators to be appended.

inline bool empty() const

Check that the container has no locators.


true if the container is empty. False otherwise.

inline void erase(const Locator &loc)

Erase the specified locator from the container.


loc – Locator to be removed.

inline bool isValid() const

Check that every locator contained in the list is not LOCATOR_KIND_INVALID.


true if all locators are valid. False otherwise.

inline void swap(LocatorList &locatorList)

exchange the content of the container.


locatorList – container to exchange the contents with.