
class Entity

The Entity class is the abstract base class for all the objects that support QoS policies, a listener and a status condition.

Subclassed by eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainEntity, eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant

Public Functions

inline Entity(const StatusMask &mask = StatusMask::all())



maskStatusMask (default: all)

inline virtual fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t enable()

This operation enables the Entity.



inline void close()

This operation disables the Entity before closing it.

inline const StatusMask &get_status_mask() const

Retrieves the set of relevant statuses for the Entity.


Reference to the StatusMask with the relevant statuses set to 1

const StatusMask &get_status_changes() const

Retrieves the set of triggered statuses in the Entity.

Triggered statuses are the ones whose value has changed since the last time the application read the status. When the entity is first created or if the entity is not enabled, all communication statuses are in the non-triggered state, so the list returned by the get_status_changes operation will be empty. The list of statuses returned by the get_status_changes operation refers to the status that are triggered on the Entity itself and does not include statuses that apply to contained entities.


const reference to the StatusMask with the triggered statuses set to 1

inline const InstanceHandle_t &get_instance_handle() const

Retrieves the instance handler that represents the Entity.


Reference to the InstanceHandle

inline bool is_enabled() const

Checks if the Entity is enabled.


true if enabled, false if not

inline StatusCondition &get_statuscondition()

Allows access to the StatusCondition associated with the Entity.


Reference to StatusCondition object