struct MatchedStatus
A structure storing a matching status.
Subclassed by eprosima::fastdds::dds::PublicationMatchedStatus, eprosima::fastdds::dds::SubscriptionMatchedStatus
Public Members
int32_t total_count = 0
Total cumulative count the concerned reader discovered a match with a writer.
It found a writer for the same topic with a requested QoS that is compatible with that offered by the reader
int32_t total_count_change = 0
The change in total_count since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.
int32_t current_count = 0
The number of writers currently matched to the concerned reader.
int32_t current_count_change = 0
The change in current_count since the last time the listener was called or the status was read.
int32_t total_count = 0